Deputy Chief Kevin Quinn Named 2023 Chief Frederick A. Stanley Dedicated Service Award Winner
By Secretary Christopher Koretski
June 29, 2023

On Wednesday June 28, the Rhode Island Southern Firefighters League had its annual President’s Steak Fry Meeting. As has been the custom of the league for the last several years, the Chief Frederick A. Stanley Dedicated Service Award was presented. The award dedicated to longtime League President and Hope Valley Fire Chief Fred Stanley is given to a member of the League who has gone above and beyond to contribute to the League and its members.

This year, the Board presented Kevin D. Quinn with this prestigious honor. Kevin is a retired Deputy Chief of the Union Fire District of South Kingstown and remains an active firefighter at UFD Station 3, Forestry. Chief Quinn has been involved on a national level for over 40 years where he served in many capacities including Chair of the National Volunteer Fire Council. He was nominated by UFD Chief Steve Pinch. Kevin has devoted his life to the volunteer fire service and is a mentor and advocate for so many.

During the event, attended by over 50 league members, Chief Quinn was shown a video with a dozen well wishes from fire service leaders from around the world. A link is enclosed below. Remarks were also provided by Chief John Oates, the CEO of the International Public Safety Data Institute on Chief Quinn’s behalf along with addressing those gathered on the importance of data in decision making.

Congratulations to Chief Quinn! We know Chief Stanley would be so proud!

Thank you to RIAFC Executive Director Chief Rick Susi for serving as our photographer.

Hyperlinks: Chief Quinn Tribute Video